
Sitting here taking thought on the communities and cities in America, my mind stands still pondering how our children can be at risk of being extinct before the age of 25; I’m not talking about a third world country, I’m talking about here in the United States.

Therefore Wisdom Cries endeavors to impart “Wisdom” the principle thing, through awareness, knowledge, and most importantly understanding in every area that effects mankind, especially our children! Every time we turn on the news we see the damaging effects of poverty and crime, all based on a lack of knowledge and understanding. Although we see things now that we never thought we’d see in society, it makes you wonder, does anyone care? I’m sure they do, they just don’t know what to do. So here at Wisdom Cries our mission is to change that. Here we come with “Wisdom” and she will cry!

Darren Brown
President and Founder